How To Prepare Your Business For Black Friday 2020

Black Friday 2020 is going to be unlike any other. The Covid-19 pandemic economic impact has led to many businesses closing down and wholly changed the corporates working style. These changes are likely to continue over to the Black Friday season, which is why you need abon plan black Friday for your business to hit target sales this Black Friday. This article discusses tips to prepare your business for Black Friday 2020.

1.Start early

Whoever said the earliest bird does catch the fattest worm wasn’t kidding. For Black Friday 2020, you can expect a lot of online traffic this year as people are more likely to stay home and stay safe. Thus, as a business person, start advertising as early as now and make plans with delivery firms on how you will get your products to clients as soon as payment is received. Also, make sure you have enough employees in the store and ensure covid-19 safety protocols are adhered to by everyone.

2.Test your Website

Check your website and update your content. Secondly, ensure that your website can handle a surge in traffic. The last thing you want is your site to hang and lose your money: test site speeds and smooth line your check-out processing. Note, your website’s speed is a crucial determinant for making the best sales on Black Friday.

3.Double your marketing efforts

Identify your most successful marketing platforms and double down on them. Customers are on the lookout for the best Black Friday discounts, so make them an offer that catches their attention. Start marketing efforts early and planning even earlier. It is also prudent to have backups for everything, including inventory data. When planning for marketing, decides the kind of campaign you will run and how long you will run it. The bottom line, make sure your marketing strategy is well thought of business-wise.

4.Watch your competition

Competition for the best black Friday sales is always healthy for the business. Watching your competitors motivates you to optimize your products and get new ideas. Avoid copying what your competition is doing and always strive to add value. An excellent way to know a bit more about your competitors is to sign up for their newsletters and follow them on any other social media platforms.

5.Plan for inventory early

You need to decide on the inventory you are selling on Black Friday and make orders in advance. The pandemic has slowed down importation speed, so you might have to order your goods months before Black Friday. Do your research on items that are in demand and order them in bulk for cheaper rates and higher profit margins. Also, examine your previous sales records and identify goods that have sold out quickly and double down on them. Do not add stock that has previously become dead stock. 

In Conclusion

Be sure to follow all Covid-19 safety measures like wearing a mask, keeping a distance from face-to-face customers, and sanitizing your hands. Black Friday presents a turning point for businesses. With this information, you should now have a few ideas on preparing your business for Black Friday 2020. We wish you happy selling.



Ford is a young entrepreneur who loves to share his latest life blog with the world. He likes to write articles about business and fashion, and he is always looking for new ways to improve himself. Preston is a hard worker who wants to make a difference in the world.

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